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Spinach Lazio Seeds

Price: €1.89
  • Description

Spinach Lazio Seeds - Irish Plants Direct 
This is a compact variety of spinach that has rounded dark green smooth leaves that can used as either baby leaves in salads or leave to mature. 
This variety is slow to bolt and has good resistnce to downy mildew. 
Seed Qty 225
Sow February - July
Germination 14 - 21 days
Loam or sandy soil that's alkaline or neutral 
Harvest April - October 
Companion Plants Peas, beans, cabbage, cauliflower and onions
Harvest when the leaves are a reasonable size picking just before use. 
A good source of Vitamin A and C
Use in salads or lightly steam
Spinach is very productive in the garden and responds well to repeat picking of the leaves, it can be grown in containers or in the ground. The plants need a free draining fertile soil in sun or partial shade that is not acidic adding lime may be necessary.
They are very undemanding plants water well in dry weather.
Sow the seed thinly from late March - May outdoors in a drill 2.5cm deep and 25cm between rows when the seedlings appear and are large enough to handle space the plants 25cm apart.
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