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Tomato Ailsa Craig Seeds

Price: €2.90
  • Description

Tomato Ailsa Craig Seeds - Irish Plants Direct 
This gardeners favourite is an English heritage variety that is a great salad tomato with medium sized deep red fruits.
An easy to grow variety that is a reliable and a heavy cropper that can be grown outside or in a greenhouse. 
Seed Qty 50
Sow January - April
Germination 7 - 14 days
Loam or sandy soil that's acidic or neutral 
Harvest July - October
Companion Plants Basil, beans, peas, carrots, chives, marigolds, nasturtiums, onions and peppers
Do not plant with potatoes or kohl rabi
Pick the fruits as soon as they are ripe
A good source of Vitamin A and C
Use in salads, sandwiches. 
Tomatoes can be grown in pots, containers, garden borders a greenhouse or tunnel.
Prepare the soil by digging in compost or well rotted manure adding a granular fertiliser 2 weeks before planting. 
Make sure the plants are planted in full sun.
Sow January - April and leave on a warm windowsill or in a heated propagator the temperature for germination needs to be between 21 - 27 degrees. 
Make sure the seedlings have plenty of light and when they get their first true leaves transplant to a larger pot to grow on.  
Transplant when the plants are around 15cm tall if they are to be planted outside ensure they have been hardened off and all chance of frost has passed. Water well before transplanting, tying the main stem to a cane for support. 
It's important to water regularly and feed with tomato feed fortnightly when the flowers appear.
Mr Fothergills Range Seeds 
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