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Pumpkin Baby Bear Seed

Price: €4.25
  • Description

Pumpkin Baby Bear Seed - Irish Plants Direct
An easy to grow variety with smaller orange fruits that have thick orange skins and a tasty succulent flesh that has a nutty flavour.
A high yielding plant that us fun for kids to grow 
Seed Qty 10
Sow April - June 
Germination 7 - 10 days
Loam or sandy soil thats acidic or neutral 
Harvest August - October 
Companion plants Corn, Squash, Nasturtium 
Harvest by cutting the fruit off the plant
A good source of B1 and E
Use in soups and pies
Sow between April- june placing two seeds into a pot 1.5 cm deep placing the seed on its side cover leave on a sunny window sill or propagator keep moist.
Remove the weaker plant and grow on until the plants get 4/5 leaves gently accustom the plants to the outside  and plant out leaving 120cm between plants when the chance of frost has passed.
Alternatively sow outside during June 120cm apart placing 2 seeds in the ground 1.5cm deep remove the weaker seedling when they emerge.
Mr Fothergills Seeds Range




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