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Pansy Cool Summer Breeze Seeds

Price: €3.20
  • Description

Pansy Cool Summer Breeze Seeds - Irish Plants Direct
These long flowering hardy perennials have impressive looking large flowers in delightful shades of blue and white.
They will provide long lasting displays in beds and borders or mixed container displays.
Seed Qty 30
Sow February - April or June - July
Loam, clay or sandy soil that's acidic, alkaline or neutral 
Germination time 19 - 20 days
Height 15cm
Plant in sun or partial shade
Flowering time June - October and March - May
Planting ideas Beds, borders, pots, containers, edging, cottage 
Also known as Viola
Deadhead to prolong flowering
Sow from February - April on a sunny window sill or propagator into a seed tray of moist compost cover the seed 6mm deep with sieved compost. When the seedlings are large enough to handle transplant into trays 5cm apart to grow on.
Gradually harden off the plants when all risk of frosts have passed and plant out 25cm apart.
Alternatively sow in cold frames June - July for planting out in autumn for spring flowering.
Mr Fothergills Range Seeds
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