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Lettuce Salad Bowl Green Seeds

Price: €1.69
  • Description

Lettuce salad bowl Green Seeds - Irish Plants Direct
This fast growing cut and come again lettuce has large rosettes of decorative bright green leaves that resemble  the shape of an oakleaf they can be picked over a long period of time. 
Sow little and often for a continuous supply of fresh tasty leaves. 
Seed Qty 0.5 gram
Sow March - August 
Germination 7 - 14 days
Loam or sandy soil that's alkaline or neutral 
Companion Plants Beetroot, Beans, Carrot and Radish
Do not plant with Cabbage
Pick the leaves from each plant when they reach 10cm long. 
A good source of vitamin A
Use in Salads and sandwiches
Make small successional sowings in fertile well drained soil in a sheltered sunny spot fortnightly to ensure a good supply of leaves throughout the summer months.
Lettuce does not grow well in acidic soil.
Keep well watered during dry spells, they can be grown in containers on a window sill or in containers on a sunny patio.
Sow indoors all year for baby leaves or outside from late March to August in drills 1.5cm deep and 15cm between rows. When the seedlings appear thin to 15cm apart.
W Legutko Seeds Range



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