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Onion Bedfordshire Champion Seeds

Price: €1.89
  • Description

Onion Bedfordshire Champion Seeds - Irish Plants Direct
This gardeners favourite is a heavy cropping reliable main crop variety that has globe shaped golden brown bulbs with a good flavoured white flesh.
It stores well after lifting. 
Seed qty 200
Sow January - April 
Germination 14 - 21 days
Loam or sandy soil thats alkaline or neutral 
Harvest August - February
Companion Plants Carrots, beetroot, lettuce, leeks and brassicas
Do not plant with beans, peas and asparagus
When the bulbs are mature the foliage turns yellow and falls over leave for 2 weeks then lift with a fork. Dry the onions by spreading them out either indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. It can take up to three weeks for the bulbs to dry.
Store in trays or nets in a cool well lit place for winter use
A good source of vitamin C
Use in many everyday dishes
Onions need a well drained sunny site that has been well dug in autumn adding plenty of compost or well rotted manure. Onions do not grow well in acidic soil so adding lime maybe necessary. Apply a general fertiliser a week before planting.
Sow January - February indoors into a seed tray of moist compost cover with glass or a propagator lid.
Sow the seed direct outside between March - April sparingly in drills 1.5cm deep and 45cm between rows. Thin the seedlings in 2 stages when the seedlings have straightened up thin to 5cm between plants then to 10cm apart.
Make sure the onions are kept well watered during dry spells.
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