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Kale Nero Di Toscana Seeds

Price: €2.10
  • Description

Kale Nero Di Toscana Seeds - Irish Plants Direct
This easy to grow winter vegetable can be used as baby leaves or left to mature, it has very tasty dark blue green crinkled leaves that are very ornamental perfect for a variety of culinary dishes. 
Seed Qty 400
Sow March - May
Germination 14 - 21 days
Loam - clay soil that's acidic, alkaline or neutral 
Harvest June - March 
Companion plants Beet, Cabbage, Celery, Cucumber, Onion, Nasturtium, Marigold
Do not plant with Beans Tomato or Strawberry
Harvest by removing side shoots
A good source of vitamin A and C
Use in Stir-fry steam or braise
Sow outside March - April in a prepared seed bed sowing thinly in rows 1.5cm deep. When the plants have around 5 leaves transplant to their final position leaving 45cm between plants and 45cm between rows firm in and water well.
Sow indoors March - May in a tray sowing thinly and covering with a fine layer of compost place on a warm window sill or in a warm greenhouse when the seedlings are large enough to handle transplant into trays 5cm apart grow on and gradually accustom the plants to outside. Plant out when the risk of frost has passed leaving 45cm between each plant and 45 cm between each rows.
Mr Fothergill's Range Seeds
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