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Kohlrabi Korist F1 ORGANIC Seeds

List Price: €6.30

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  • Description

Kohlrabi Korist F1 ORGANIC Seeds - Irish Plants Direct
This fast growing globe shaped vegetable has pale upright green leaves with a clean green skin and a white tasty flesh.
A good disease resistant variety that can be harvested when they are about the size of a cricket ball.
Seed Qty 20
Sow March - August 
Germination 7 - 21 days
Loam or sandy soil that's acidic or neutral 
Harvest May - November 
Companion Plants Beets, Beans, Cucumber, Lettuce, Onion and Potatoes Harvest when they are the size of a cricket ball
A good source of vitamin C and B6
Use roasted, steamed or raw in salad
Sow thinly between the end of March - August outside where they are to grow 1.5cm deep into finely raked well drained soil that has already been watered, leave 30cm between each row.
Thin the seedling to 15 cm apart and keep well watered until the plants are established.
Buzzy Organic Seeds Range
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